Better Ideas.
Unique Portfolios.
Richer Data.

Meet AlphaSwap, the world's first decentralized repository of in-depth investment ideas and global talent. Source, qualify and sense check some of the best stock picks in the market at scale.

Gain access to the best performing investment ideas of our global and diverse community of PMs and analysts.

Better Equity Investment Ideas


Bespoke Data
(30+ unique data points per idea)

Who are our products for?



Asset Managers

How it works

Select our community's best research based on fully customizable criteria: sector, geography, market capitalization, long/short, ESG compliance etc.

Opt for one or more of our three products for the packaging of your data.

AlphaSwap is revolutionizing investing

We have developed a performance-driven technology platform based on the following principles:

Alignment of interests

Best ideas

A global and diverse community

Skin in the game

Additional Benefits

ESg focus:
Environment: we have no carbon footprint.
Social: AlphaSwap is inclusive and has a diverse community. Anyone can participate, make money and build a track record - performance is the only thing that counts.
Governance: we pay a substantial portion of fees we receive directly to our community, based on performance and with full transparency.
Diversity Potential. Filter our community’s ideas based on:
Amateur / Professional

AlphaSwap connects investment talent and investors in an aligned-interest ecosystem.


What our customers say

"We know our industry is being disrupted, and with AlphaSwap's product we can be part of that disruption"

Head of Research, multi-billion dollar alternative asset manager

"Being able to source AlphaSwap's off-the-run midcap ideas really adds value to our investment process"

Portfolio Manager, global equity fund

"AlphaSwap's idea generation, community and incentive structure are unique vis-à-vis alpha capture and idea sharing platforms"

Head of Data, multi-strategy hedge fund